Upcoming Shows
We'll try to keep this up-to-date, but for the freshest news follow Brian Jantzi on Facebook.
Barbados & Trinidad, Songwriting
Key West Florida, accompanying: Raven Cooper @ Schooner Wharf; The Shanty Hounds (Key West Chris Rehm & Dani Hoy) @ Two Friends and @ Rick's; @Artisan's Market with Chris Rehm & also Gena Maseratti; BMan & MiShell @ Walhburgers; Mary Spear @ Pepe's
@Clarksburg ON, songwriting with James Gordon; @The Corktown, Hamilton, ON, Robert Manley Tribute Show; Jamming @ Ray's Farm Barn, @Celeste's Hamilton Song Circle, @Kenny's Patio; Jamming @ Main Stage Studios with The Pilgrims; Locke St Unlocked, performing solo on the Patio @ The Historic Beasley House Bistro, July 16 1:00-5:00pm; @The Black Swan Tavern, Toronto, performing @ the Gary 17 Tribute Show, July 30, 2-6pm
Opening for Steve Payne's 2023 Across Southern Ontario Tour, accompanying one of the UK's most accomplished almost-famous acoustic & electric guitar wizards & songwriters.
August 11 - 7:00-10:00 pm, Toronto, @The Supermarket, Kensington Market, Songwriters Stage with Steve Payne, Brian Gladstone, Noah Zacharin & Brian Jantzi
August 14 - 7:00 - 10:00 pm, Toronto, Forest Hill, @ Linda's Backyard House Concert
August 19 - 2:00 - 6:00 pm, London, ON, @Great Lakes & London Blues Societies Backyard Concert, 4 bands
August 20 - 2:00 - 6:00 pm, Windsor ON, @Robson Backyard Concert & Jam
August 26 - 2:00 - 6:00 pm, Haliburton ON, @Halliburton Folk Society Backyard Concert
September 9 - 2:00 - 5:00 pm, Hamilton ON, @The Casbah, King St W at Queen N, Brian Jantzi is Guest Hosting The Songwriters Open Circle